Friday 7 October 2011

Album cover Analysis

The title Transition is positioned in the top left and is over him, this highlights the transition that he has made from the dark to the light which is metaphorical for his past.
The white light in the background creeping through the black can denote how there is a positive future for this person
The chain that is showsn is called a “Jesus Peice” which is a religious symbol but is expensive, showing his materialistic state of mind still
The dark background is still seen behind him emphasising its in the past.

Chase and status are affiliated with bright yellow so this is their trademark.
The dog in the background is a british bulldog crossbreed, which explains how this urban british music is going to spread worldwide.
And the greyscale background hints how it is emerging
This album cover is one of the most simple covers I have come across but if you look deeper into the artists music and actually have an udnerstanding of the culture then you can see why they have designed it in this way. I am a fan of chase and status and they make rave music which is dubstep and drum and bass. This music is known as hard, urban, british and grimey.

The E backwards is not just done for style but it is because it is his 3rd major album that he released.
The curtain open is awaiting his exit and is in relation to the title of the album.
The blue shade on the artist puts him in a good light but sparks the feel of death as it seems as if he is losing his colour.
The old crowd that is here makes no sense unless you are a fan of his music. The reason why he was quitting music was because of the father role that he had to take on and this meant that he had to change his music meaning a different audience.

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