Monday 19 September 2011

Front cover

I have an idea which will put my camera skills to the test.
I am planning to use the theme of lights in my picture as the title of the song is "blinded by the lights."
My favourite choice of location to take pictures of lights would have to be central London e.g oxford street.
There is a pathway in-between the roads and I think that if I use a wide shutter time then I can capture the moving lights of the cars well and should give a good effect.
This effect will only be available really at night time so I would have to go there around 8 oclock because it is winter time and should get dark quickly.
I was going to stand in the middle of the road completely still with scruffy smart clothing which would give the impression that I am drunk and i should hold a champaigne bottle in my hand.
The second idea that I have would be to shoot the photo in a hotel abroad. This idea is part of the new story plan that I have in mind. This involves shooting the video in Holland.

Friday 9 September 2011

Plan B Music Video Analysis

The music video Plan B – Mama is a narrative explaining the relationship that the artist’s mother is having with a man and she is being treated badly. When the husband is in the scenes the lighting is dark and the scene appears to be in greyscale portraying his character as negative.

The song involves a guitar and a drum which would really give off the impression that the song is of an Indie Genre. As the artist starts to rap and the drums turn into a Skippy beat we can quickly identify the hip hop genre and this is parallel to the song as the clothes that the artist wears are typical youth clothing. The beginning of the video suggests that men are more powerful than women, the actual position of the characters explain this as she is cooking and the man is in a vest on the table. The relaxed nature of the man with his back turned can denote how there is no equality in the relationship and explains the negative relationship. Other critics could denote hints of racism within the lyrics as he sings “Its so black and white” which is ironic as the couple are contrasting races which could suggest that these kind of multicultural relationships don’t work due to contrasting views. The quick cuts are metaphorical as they separate the scenes (couple) and emphasise the severity of the situation. These cuts go from the couple, then to the artist (child) and then back to the couple. This has been edited in a way that emphasises how the child is in-between the relationship and is slowly being pushed out as the man treats her badly.